Room 14 Website


   Welcome to the Third Grade! This is going to be a very exciting school year. This year will be an unparalleled year of academic, social, and emotional growth for your child. I feel privileged to be taking part in helping your child become a successful student.


   As your child’s teacher, I feel it is important to communicate with you regularly about your child’s progress.  I believe strongly in the goal-sharing concept of Parent/Teacher/Student/ School in the education of our students. I have high expectations for students, parents, and myself. This year, we will form a partnership of trust and support. Communication is the key to a great year!


   A large part of classroom success is based on accountability and responsibility.  In my class, your child is accountable for doing their personal best, exhibiting their best behavior, following school rules, and being responsible. Your continued support and cooperation at home will ensure your child’s success at school. Together we can provide a positive, successful, and rewarding experience for your child in the third grade.


   If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please, do not hesitate to contact me at school. 



 Joanna Mann